Position: Project Assistant/Accountant
(Ref. IITA-HR-NRS2015/029)
Background and Responsibilities
• Analyse project expenditures and prepare quarterly cash flow as well as financial statements including variance analysis for Submission to the lead centre;
• Create and maintain a database of standard costs such as staff cost, travel, workshop,
training etc.;
• Monitor project funds utilization and schedule of instalments to ensure up to date funding status information is readily available;
• Prepare documents required to support the financial for submission to Lead Centre or as requested by the donor;
• Facilitate timely delivered delivery of pass-through funds to NCRI and other partners In Nigeria;
• Interact with the Rice Commodity Specialist to clarify issues on financial reports, answer queries, give updates on the financial status such as over/under spending and ensure compliance to donor requirements;
• Review request for official mission authorization, purchase request, staff recruitment requisition (regular, temporary and consultant) and fund transfers if consistent with the work plan, check availability of funds and
ensure utilization of correct account to charge;
• Perform any other function as may be assigned by the Supervisor.
Qualification and Experience
M.Sc. in Business Administration, with major in Accounting or Certified Public Account, Chartered Accountant or equivalent Accountancy professional qualification with minimum of five (5) years’ experience in bilateral or multilateral donor-funded programs.
Position: Monitoring & Evaluation Officer
(Ref. IITA-HR-NRS2015/029)
Position: Background and Responsibilities
• The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) officer will work in direct liaison with the other centers (IITA and ICRISAT) M & E officers, AfDB contract staff, and will report to the AfricaRice Regional Representative through the rice commodity specialist. The M & E officer will be responsible for the development and application of appropriate M & E methods and tools for all activities of the ATASP-1 project. He/she shall coordinate the process of data collection, analyses, report writing and gathering of information necessary for ascertaining the attainment of the project objectives. He/she will coordinate M&E activities closely with the AfricaRice M&E expert based at AfricaRice HQ in terms of methodology to ensure coherence of approaches across AfricaRice and across the project.
• S/he will undertake the following functions:
Information Collection and Analyses
• Explore and gather information from various sources including participatory field exercises, field surveys and interviews, project documents, Reports of National Bureau of statistics (NBS), National Planning Commission (NPC), AfDB official reports, FAO and World Bank reports on Nigeria Economic and Agricultural sectors.
• Develop and manage project database in a manner that will be easily retrievable by staff and partners. These shall include the baseline and all subsequent data or information generated through project implementation economic and statistical analysis of the rice commodity value chain.
• In collaboration with other project staff, establish relevant indicators including local criteria and indicators for the monitoring and evaluation of Rice Value Chain Development and Socio-Organizational improvements in
project areas.
• Generate relevant data in close collaboration with other project staff like the Agronomist, Seed Systems Specialist and Rice Commodity Specialist on the agronomic, socio-economic, cultural and institutional aspects of rice value chain development in the target Rice Hubs. Collate and analyse data/ information for annual and periodic assessment of AfricaRice-ATAPs project outputs.
Monitoring and Training
• Plan and implement activities related to the monitoring of project activities based on pre-established indicators at household, groups and field levels in all project areas.
• Plan and organize meetings and fora for dialogue that results in information gathering and monitoring with farmers and other rice sector stakeholders.
• Prepare monitoring schedules, action plans to track and follow-up all input data/ information as well as ensure the integration of all data.
• Build capacity for project staff involved in M & E data collection.
Project Evaluation and Training
• Supervise as may be required in conjunction with engaged consultants and the AfDB project task officer, field surveys on aspects of project outcomes.
• Draw important lessons from project implementation and organize annual M & E review meetings with leaders of farmer groups, district and other project implementation team.
Report and Narratives Writing
• Undertake periodic reporting on M&E of the project in accordance with established reporting format, schedules and periodicity for project management and donors’ interest.
• Write monitoring reports for use of project implementation team and donors. Review recommendations of the Annual Program Review (APR), identify needs and define actions to address bottlenecks and problems in project implementation.
Feedback and Accountability
• Make periodic reports to the project managers as maybe required for program documentation and reporting to partners.
• Contribute to AfricaRice periodic and annual planning process by furnishing timely information on the M & E aspects of the ATASP-1 project. Coordinate activities closely with the AfricaRice M&E expert in terms of methodology to ensure coherence of approaches across AfricaRice and across the project.
• Perform any other function as may be assigned by the Supervisor.
Qualification and Experience
M.Sc. in Social Science, Agricultural Economics, Statistics, or related discipline. Specialized post graduate training in project management/M&E with minimum of 5 years working experience in bilateral or multilateral donor-funded programs with at least 3 years of specific responsibility as M&E Officer.
How to Apply
Interested applicants should forward their applications with detailed curriculum vitae saved with their names in Microsoft word format. The application must include the names and e-mail addresses of three professional referees which must include either the Head of applicant’s current or previous organization or applicant’s direct Supervisor/Superior officer at work and evidence of current remuneration package to IITA website by click here to apply .
We offer highly competitive salary with equally attractive fringe benefits and excellent working conditions in a pleasant campus environment.
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