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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Healthcare Conglomerate recruiting in 8 Positions

Our Group is ranked in the upper echelon of the healthcare, Nutrition and Pharmaceutical sector. We have set out to create superior values through our brands and exceptional customer service. We recently launched some of the most exciting brands in the sector. We are growing fast and expanding with even more exciting products in our pipeline. We go beyond the common. Only career-minded persons are accepted by us. Now is your opportunity to join us if you fit into our DNA.
1.    National Sales Development Manager

To lead the sales Channel Development team and deliver the national sales figures. Will be responsible for developing the sales and route to market strategy and implementing same. Reward is designed to match output. To fit, you must:
a.    Hold a B.Pharm degree with not less than 4 years of high performance in sales function.
b.    Persons with first degree in Health or
c.    Life Sciences with a post graduate degree and 6 years experience in Sales Mangement function are also eligible for this position.
2.    Brand Development Manager:
Will be responsible for developing all branding and ethical promotion strategy and follow it to implementation, to achieve the volume target and other brand objectives. To fit you must :
a.    Hold a B.Pharm degree with a minimum of 3 years experience in Medical detailing or Branding function. A flair for Marketing is a key success factor
3.    District Sales Development Managers:
Will lead the Sales and Market development team at the District level and will be responsible for delivering the District Sales figures and implementing the market development plan for the district. To fit, you must:
a.    Hold a B.Pharm degree with not less than 3 years of high performance experience in a Sales or Market development function. Ready to lead a team.
b.    Persons with first degree in Health or Life Science, with 4 years experience in a Sales management capacity are eligible.
4.    Medical Sales Representatives
Will focus on detailing the brands to all members of the Medical and Health community, and cover the professional trade to achieve set sales target. A flair for selling will be beneficial. To fit you must:
a.    Hold a B.Pharm degree, good communication skills, result oriented and must be accountable.
b.    Persons with degree in other Health and Life Sciences must have a minimum of 2 years and detailing experience to quality for this position
5.    Sales Development Representatives
Will be responsible for wholesale and retail customer development, achieving channel activation and making the assigned sales figures. To fit, you must:
a.    Hold a first degree or HND in any discipline, Sales experience will be an advantage. Must be ready to travel wide and accept challenges with high level of accountability
6.    Accounts Executives
Will be part of the Finance and Accounting team, and must have the ability to think in numbers, use accounting packages and travel wide. High level of integrity is a must. To fit, you must:
a.    Hold a first degree in Accounting or an HND in Accounting with minimum of 3 years experience
7.    Customer Care Executives:
Will provide Customer and Sales support services, generate and manage customer data base. To fit you must:
a.    Hold a first degree in any discipline, with a minimum of 2 years experience and must have a caring disposition
8.    Drivers
To work in the customer care unit, persons must have excellent route knowledge for the designated territory, good driving records, high level of integrity and a minimum of First School Leaving Certificate.
All the positions attract reward packages that rank among the best in the industry. Outstanding performance will also be rewarded. We offer equal opportunities for all gender, and no age barrier exists.
    Send applications with your current CV to:

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